
Posted in stories and ramblings with tags , , on February 21, 2010 by legoemperor

Jake the pillow-snake

Digs into a cake

Jake likes his good cake

This haiku was inspired by Dr. Seuss’s book I Can Read with my Eyes Shut.

Quick queen of Quincy,

and her quacking quackeroo

plus the friendly snake

I got the idea for this haiku from Dr. Seuss’s ABC.  this idea is a good one one of my best.  First you take a book (in my case, it is Dr.Seuss), take a sentence and make a haiku out of it.

A mountain is great

a good placed cabin is better

a nice meal is ideal

I got my idea from last summer where I stayed in a rented cabin. Another haiku for a cheap cabin

A cheap cabin nice

an expensive cabin, good

a cheap house better

I came up with the idea with that haiku because because the cabin was cheap but not a terrible place.  not an “ideal resort” (for the house.  we like the woods so the placing was ideal but the shower did not have a shower curtain so I had to use the bathroom beforehand which was not so ideal.)


Posted in stories and ramblings with tags , , on July 2, 2009 by legoemperor

A couple of times I have tried to learn the haiku sequence and have failed.  Then I learned it from Pizza, Pigs and Poetry by Jack Prelutsky.  In the past few hours I have gone absolutely crazy about it.  Here are three haiku that I have written today.

Pumpkin orange good

The table is nicely brown.

Nice descriptions, eh?


Haiku is lovely.

Haiku is interesting.

Haiku is heaven.


Desolate feelings

Severe lack of happiness

No Legos: no life.

I find the place in haiku that I have a jam in is finding a way to convey my thoughts in the syllable sequence that it takes to make haiku. I find haiku calming.  You may be different.  Here is a link to WikiHow with good instructions and tips for writing haiku.

The Phone Pole and the Extraordinary Hole

Posted in stories and ramblings with tags , , on February 5, 2009 by legoemperor

The men were putting in a light pole when the Chief said that they received a call from a next door town, Mazeburg.

“Mazeburg?  Now I got As and Bs in geography and I ain’t never heard of Mazeburg!”

“Yeah,” said Bob, “where is this place?”

“Hold on George and Bob!” said the chief.

“All right.  All right, what is this job?”

“All I got is a ’24 grand for you to come down here and get this stupid phone pole in the ground!'”

“Wow!  I would do anything for 24 grand!”

After 4 hours of driving, they finally reach the phone pole.

“Well Chief, this is the phone pole!”

“Yes, it is, my friends,” said a voice behind them.

“What is wrong with this?” asked Bob.

“It will not go in the hole we’ve dug!  Oh, forgive me, I have not introduced myself.  I am Mr. Johnson.  Okay, boys, to work.”

Bob jumps to the phone pole and laid it into the man-made, hand-made hole.  As soon as it reaches ground level it rockets out of his hands and falls on George.

“RIP OUT WHATCHA-MA-CALL-IT RIBBON MOOSE!”  George yanks the phone pole from Bob muttering curses and lays it in the hole, but again it blasts out of George’s palms and whacks Bob in the chin.

Now the Chief steps up saying, “now watch closely.”  The Chief picks up the phone pole and slams the pole into the ring of blackness.  This time sailing right over the Chief’s noggin, doing cart wheels until it whacks both Bob and George with such force that it bounces off their heads and whacks the Chief.  At this point, I would now like to make it stop right NOW, but I am not surprised to hear that it sailed farther and collided with the truck where it crunched to a stop.  By this time, the three had come to.

“Yep, Chief, that is how you do it.”

I got the idea for the story because I watched some men put up a light pole and I got a writing assignment about it.  I ended up with a 5 page jurnal entry.


Posted in Cool Lego Sites with tags , , , , , on January 16, 2009 by legoemperor

This CNN video is about a person that works for Lego and he has built a huge white house and the Monument to scale.

Coughin’ Coffin?

Posted in Lego Puns and Jokes with tags , , , , on January 14, 2009 by legoemperor
Coughin' or Coffin?

Coughin' or Coffin?

If you give a meerkat a salad.

Posted in stories and ramblings with tags , , , , on January 11, 2009 by legoemperor

If you give a meerkat a salad, he’ll want a drop of vinaigrette to go with it.

After eating the salad, he will want to wash up.

Seeing how dirty the sink is, he will want to clean it up.

You will get a  old toothbrush and baking soda.

Seeing the baking soda will remind him how the baking soda will react to vinegar, so he will ask you for some vinegar.

The smell of the vinegar will remind him of the vinaigrette and chances are… if you give a meerkat a drop of vinaigrette he will want salad to go with it.

I first thought of this when I was helping my dad clean the bathrooms.  It is adapted from If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff.

Oh, Christmas Tree

Posted in Lego Puns and Jokes with tags , , , , , , on December 10, 2008 by legoemperor

This Lego band is a whiz

Oh Lego tree, Oh Lego tree, your leaves are so unchanging.

Oh Lego tree, Oh Lego tree, your leaves are so unchanging.

I got the Christmas tree for the first day of Christmas but I don’t expect to get  two Lego racers on the second day.  I don’t think dad is going to spend what-ever-thousand dollars nor do I think anyone else will, but as I said anyone is welcome.

Very funny Lego video

Posted in Lego Puns and Jokes, Uncategorized with tags , , on December 9, 2008 by legoemperor

I found this really funny video on You Tube.  If you go to You Tube and search for Lego you’ll see lots of Lego videos.

My Cat-toon

Posted in comic books with tags , on December 8, 2008 by legoemperor

Hobbes in a Wagon

Hobbes in a Wagon

A black and white Hobbes

A black and white Hobbes

As you see I have made 2 drawings of Hobbes.  I am also making Calvin and Hobbes house shoes.  So far I have done all of the Calvin shoe and have done the face of  Hobbes.

The Brave Knight

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on December 8, 2008 by legoemperor
The Brave Knight rides to seak the treasure that a fierce alligator guards.

The Brave Knight rides to seek two treasure chests which hold a fortune.

The fierce alligator guards the treasure.

The fierce alligator guards the treasure.

The Brave Knight approaches the alligator.

The Brave Knight approaches the alligator.

The alligator is hopless and the Knight is left with a choice.  Which one should he take?  One has more money, but he doesn't know which one.

The alligator is hopeless and the Knight is left with a choice. Which one should he take? One has more money, but he doesn't know which one.

The Brave Knight rides off with the treasure chest and the cup of fortune.

The Brave Knight rides off with the treasure chest and the cup of fortune.

What inspired me to do this Lego short comic is finding all of the gold coins.  Then I saw the alligator, the vegetation pieces and the dark mini-figure and thought up this swamp-like Lego short comic.